Which Universe would you choose?

Which universe would you choose?

Jenny was under so much stress. She was exhausted with an unending to-do list. She was running up hill everyday and just could not make anyone in her family happy, no matter how hard she tried. Her small business was also not doing well. Something always went wrong.

One day she got so hurt and discouraged, that she could not get the strength to continue the same path. At the advice of her friend, she came to see me. In a very short period of time, she was smiling again and handling not only her family but also successfully building up her small business! And traveling..which she loved!

What happened to have Jenny see her life so differently and take the actions consistent with her new perspectives on life?

She chose a different universe!

Which universe would you choose?

There is an awesome book out there and it’s called “The Subtle Knife

Without giving you any spoilers, it involves a boy with a magical knife.
This knife cuts holes into the air.

And you walk through the gap into another world (being careful to sew up the hole on your way through).

Then you notice the magic.
You’re in a parallel universe.

Everything is rather similar but with some subtle differences.
This, I believe is exactly how you should view the law of attraction when you use it to create change in your life.

Every time you use a meditation…affirmation…self hypnosis…whatever your preferred channel…
Your whole world changes subtly.

• Maybe you grow your financial abundance mindset
• Maybe you change your love magnetism settings
• Maybe you open your consciousness to let go of pain from the past

It doesn’t really matter what you choose.

The fact is that you change your universe on this foundational level and positive changes cascade through your life.

If you do it right, every breath and every moment from now on creates a subtle new reality for you.

So my question is:
When you cut the hole in the sky and walk through today…
What’s the first change you’re going to create or notice?

Jenny chose to see an abundant universe all around her. Why? Because she chose it… 🙂 And she applied the magical, inspirational tools she learned to set her vision to abundance.

If this is you, and you have been struggling with stress and financial worries, email me here and request your FREE 20 minute Breakthrough SoulClarity Session. Together, let’s create a plan for you that gets you from where you are to where you want to be.


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