How my morning slippers helped me find More Time!

slippers-1173898_640Today I’d like to share with you a flash insight how my morning slippers lead to a breakthrough strategy for me to create more TIME in my day and to avoid the pitfalls of distractions  as a business owner juggling personal and family responsibilities.

If you are like me and having more Time in the day to do all the things on your to-do-list will help bring such a great feeling of achievement then read on 🙂

How DO you create more Time in your Life?

You see ultimately, great Time management is about two things:
(1) Dividing your time more efficiently among what’s priority or most important for you and your life and (2) Being 100% Present and focused on each thing you do.

Many studies show that when people try to multitask they do none of the tasks really well. Even worse, focusing on more than one thing decreases your productivity by 40% and lowers your IQ by 10 points, according to theHarvard Business Review.

The article also mentions that contributing to this stress is email: the average person checks their email 30 times an hour!
Because we all have so many compelling things on our to-do list demanding our time, attention and focus, it’s important that you not only manage distractions, but you must also set your schedule up to allow you to be 100% present on whatever it is you’re doing in the moment.

Here’s 3 Tips how to do this:

1. Pay attention to how you start your day.

Implement a smart rule that you cannot use any electronics for at least 30 mins after you wake up in the morning. Instead start your day by practicing and enjoying belly breathing for 5 mins with closed eyes while still lying in bed. Then just mentally give gratitude and appreciation for at least 5 things/people/situations in your life. Next drink a large glass of water and then write down all the things you are excited or enthused  about in your day ahead. Spend 15 mins meditating and then do a short stretch and warm up exercises like Yoga to get your body moving and energized to take on your day!

2. Set your schedule up with clear boundaries so that the different compartments in your life (work/home/personal) don’t get mixed up together.

The key here is to remember that when you are working, you’re 100% focused .When you’re home, you’re 100% with your loved ones. I find that by practicing Mindful Breath Awareness at all times in all my daily activities I can bring myself back to my centre and keep myself grounded as opposed to being in overwhelm. Breath Awareness is such an important part of the courses/programs I teach here for my private clients to help us all keep in 100% focus in what we are doing.

It can all start from the first thing you do in the morning especially when you get up in the morning and  put your morning slippers on. Just Be Present and FEEL the wonderful sensation of the slippers and being mindful as you walk, brush your teeth, shower, bathe, drink, eat your breakfast etc.. Just enjoy the awareness of the different bodily sensations without judging! Its so peaceful and relaxing when the thoughts in your mind just slow down! Try it for yourself!

3. Take advantage of the power of ” blocking your time” to get things done.

Schedule in “chunks” or “blocks” of time (2 to 3 hours is sufficient) when you are committed to working on priorities and bigger outcome sin your life. During these times, make sure that the people around you know that you’re not to be interrupted, your email is closed and your cell phone is switched off. These will be the most productive times of your day.

Remember to take at least 20 deep belly breaths every hour. This helps to energize you tremendously.

These 3 tips will absolutely help you create more Time and reduce the stress in your business so that you can spend more time in a joyful place as you serve other people!

In Loving Service,

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